Take Action!
Writing a letter to your elected politicians is one of the most powerful things you can do to help us protect this forest! Please write a short letter or e-mail to your politician(s) and tell them your concerns.

Quick Tips:
- Include your name, address, postal code and phone number
- Personalize your letter by explaining why the Cariboo Heights forest matters to you
- State your concerns
- Be brief and courteous, include a thank you
- Ask for a response (or they may not reply)
- Ask the City of Burnaby to:
- Rezone the Cariboo Heights forest to protect it from development
- Keep the forest and creeks as natural forest and wildlife habitat
- Address your email to one politician at a time to avoid your email going into their spam folder
You may want to include one or two of these points in your letter.
Preserving the Cariboo Heights Forest will:
- Conserve wildlife habitat and a wildlife corridor
- Protect biodiversity and habitat for endangered species
- Preserve a larger buffer zone for a grove of significant old trees that survived logging
- Safeguard a beautiful natural forest for people to connect with nature
- Protect the last natural part of the upper Brunette River watershed to maintain good water quality for fish, including juvenile and spawning salmon
- Contribute to climate change mitigation and help achieve Burnaby’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2050
- Provide valuable environmental services that will save the City of Burnaby millions of dollars over the next 100 years
- Save part of Burnaby’s heritage
- Help the City of Burnaby to meet its goals to have healthy and resilient communities, watersheds and ecosystems in a walkable and bikeable city
Your City of Burnaby representatives:
- Mayor Mike Hurley: mayor@burnaby.ca
- Councillor Pietro Calendino: pietro.calendino@burnaby.ca
- Councillor Sav Dhaliwal: sav.dhaliwal@burnaby.ca
- Councillor Alison Gu: alison.gu@burnaby.ca
- Councillor Richard T. Lee richard.lee@burnaby.ca
- Councillor Joe Keithley: joe.keithley@burnaby.ca
- Councillor James Wang: james.wang@burnaby.ca
- Councillor Maita Santiago maita.santiago@burnaby.ca
- Councillor Daniel Tetrault daniel.tetrault@burnaby.ca
Mailing Address:
City of Burnaby
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2